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Department Secretary: Orlit Keysar

Office hours: Sunday: 11:30-14:30, Monday-Thursday: 10:00-13:00

Room: 4607


Tel.: 00-972-2-5883936


Academic Advisor:

Dr. Olga Levitan


Chair of the Department of Theater Studies

Dr. Diego Rotman




Ms Françoise Coriat

Francoise Coriat is a set, costume, and mask designer, and a free-lance artist. She grew up in London and Paris, studied History of Art and Literature at the Sorbonne University and trained in drawing, sculpting and singing. She has lived in Israel since 1967 and in Jerusalem since 1969.

She worked as a self-employed ceramicist until 1977. Studied theater with Joyce Miller (Jerusalem Drama Workshop) and started working for theater in 1978. She designs costumes, sets and props (string marionettes, masks, hats, costume jewelry, painted back-drops, stage makeup, etc.) specializing in historical styles of fashion and furniture.

She has collaborated on numerous productions with the Jerusalem Khan Theater, the Rubin Academy, the Nissan Nativ Studio, the Hebrew University, the Jerusalem Opera, with small “fringe” groups, solo artists and secondary schools. Ms Coriat has taught at the Theatre Studies department of the Hebrew University since 1999, has given workshops at Oranim College, at Tel-Aviv University, at the Hartsfeld Hospital (Art Therapy department), and elsewhere.

She has held many solo exhibitions. In 2006 she participated in an exhibition of environmental painted sculptures in the shape of gigantic masks, called “Looking on the sea” at the Bat-Yam shore. In 2007 she participated in another exhibition of environmental painted sculptures in the shape of gigantic oranges, called “Touching the orange” for the town of Rehovot.

Personal Statement: Theatre includes so many arts apart from acting and literature! It is a joy and an honor for me to share with the students of the department what makes the magic of the stage, like set design, costumes, masks and puppets: arts and crafts I dedicated most of my professional life to and which are still as thrilling to me as ever.